Visual Art 

MYIS International School, Bangkok, Thailand. 

I am currently dedicated to designing and implementing an Visual Art curriculum spanning from early years to middle years at MYIS. My primary focus lies in creating a thoughtful curriculum that aligns with both homeroom learning and the conceptual framework of the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) and Middle Years Programme (MYP).

On a daily basis, my efforts are directed towards the development of units centered around the creative process. This involves a deliberate and structured approach to planning, exploring, and reflecting at each grade level. I guide students through the various stages of artistic expression, emphasizing not only the refinement of their technical skills but also encouraging critical thinking and self-reflection.

The incorporation of the creative process into every unit follows with a thoughtful gathering of pre-assessments, ensuring a student-centered approach to learning. By collecting data by using various thinking routines by Project Zero and Studio Habits of Mind before and during each unit, I aim to understand individual student capabilities and tailor instruction to their unique needs. This proactive approach allows for personalized guidance and fosters an environment to implement choice-based art projects (TAB) where students are actively engaged in their learning journey.

Visual Art 

Chadwick International School,
Incheon, South Korea.

In the MYP(Middle Years Programme) Visual Art aims that students demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the art forms and use knowledge to purposefully inform artistic decisions. Students demonstrate acquisition and development of digital and traditional skills and techniques to create a body of works. Students are encouraged to develop clear and imaginative artistic intentions, demonstrate a range and depth of creative-thinking behaviors, and exploration of ideas to a point of realization.  
    Key concepts such as aesthetics, change, communication and identity broadly frame the curriculum, and related concepts such as interpretation, narrative, boundaries and innovation promote deeper learning throughout the creating process.

Learning Experiences and Teaching Strategies
Each unit considers the TAB (Teaching Artistic Behaviour) method and contains 4 parts of the creative process: Investigate, Develop, Create, and Evaluate. Students explore and understand the art form and concepts through several formative excercises. This will help students to independently expand their artistic intention during the summative project by choosing their own process within the unit’s concept. In the process of creating, students document, reflect, and critique the product to further strengthen their works. 

Public Pilot Education

Mission Hill K-8 School,
Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

The Mission Hill School is a Boston Public Pilot School. It is a small school (approximately 250 children, ages 3-14). The school is a project-based, collaborative curriculum, inclusive of all learning abilities. With the full-time art teacher, Jeanne Rachko, and student teachers, Henry Novak and June Park, we have planned lessons around the theme of Finding Pattern in NatureAncient Civilization, and Who We Are.

Pattern in Nature
We focused on patterns in nature for the first trimester. Students observed sunflowers, shells, and insects to think about the recurring patterns we can learn from the Fibonacci sequence. Then based on the age group, students either worked on creating a narrative piece or designing an awareness poster on endangered animals.

Ancient Civilzation
For the second trimester, students focused on the study of an ancient civilization, centered around Chinese culture. During this period, students question how people lived long ago and investigate the legacies we owe to the past. Students experienced oriental caligraphy and painting.

Who We Are
For the last trimester, students explored the Struggle for Justice in America centered around the concept on identity. Through creating self-portraits and posters, students question how to address issues of justice and freedom and who we are.